Our Story

Rise Up was established to encourage men and women, boys and girls to get after their dreams. Through my experiences in the outdoors, I have learned that we only have one shot — when hunting and in life. We cannot afford to miss either one! 

Rise up, get after it and, more importantly, stay after it. Let’s make today a little better than the day before! 

- Caleb Stillians

Will you join me?


Why We Do It

Making the hunting community stronger is one of our goals here at Rise Up.


We believe in being the best. Hunting just happens to be what we love being the best at!

“Once you say you are going to settle for second, that’s what happens to you in life.” (John F. Kennedy)

We at Rise Up do not believe in second. We believe in being the best. And to stay on top, we must continue doing what put us there. I look to one of my favorite quotes from Cameron Hanes: “Nobody cares. Work harder!”

And that’s what we are going to keep doing! See you at the top.

Rise Up with Caleb Stillians was founded on the belief that we can and should become better today than we were yesterday. That is exactly what my team and I push to do every day.

Will you join us and do the same?

- Caleb G Stillians.
